[:en]We are always happy to meet families with multiple offsprings, mostly because they are rare today. All of you who have got more siblings know how beautiful it feels to have your sister and brother and how strong they make you on the playground and later on in life as well. On the other hand, the rest of us who have had the pleasure to make friends with such as families, we know there is something magical in the number three. We admire the way three siblings play, we envy their unity and the fact they always have company. Parents say it is much easier to bring up children when there are three of them. The smallest one learns faster thanks to the bigger children.
This fantastic trio had a triple birthday party. The eldest Ana turns 8, Jovana 5 and the little one, Marko 1. It is so amazing and particular they share almost the same birthday date – they were born a few days apart, which means their zodiac is Gemini. In spite of differences in interests and age, this cute and talented children get along very well and mutual love and joy are showed in this pictures. And there are kittens as well!
[:sr]Uvek se oduševimo kada upoznamo veliku porodicu, pogotovu danas kada je sve manje parova sa troje dece. Svi oni koji imaju više rođenih braća ili sestara znaju koliko je to lepo, i koju im to prednost na igralištu, a kasnije i u svim ostalim životnim situacijama, daje. Mi, koji poznajemo porodice sa više dece, znamo da postoji nešto u tom magičnom broju tri. Divimo im se na jedinstvu, igri i na tome što uvek imaju društvo. Roditelji kažu da je svakako lakše kad ih ima više, i da ono najmlađe, treće, osim što postaje mezimče, ono s lakoćom nauči sve i svašta od starije dece. Tako je i ova fantastična trojka proslavila tri svoja rođendana u jednom danu! Najstarija Ana napunila je 8, Jovana 5, a mali Marko 1 godinu. Neverovatno je to što su bezmalo svi rođeni istog datuma, razlika je u par dana, tako da su svo troje blizanci u horoskopu. Iako postoji razlika u godinama i u interesovanjima, ova preslatka i talentovana deca se baš lepo slažu, a svu radost i ljubav preneli su i nama na ovim nezaboravnim fotografijama. Tu su i mace!