[:sr][:en]Two blondes, siblings Nina and Lana will melt your hearts.[:sr]Dva plava čuperka, rođene sestrice Nina i Lana, istopiće vaša srca.[:][:]
[:sr][:en]Two blondes, siblings Nina and Lana will melt your hearts.[:sr]Dva plava čuperka, rođene sestrice Nina i Lana, istopiće vaša srca.[:][:]
[:sr][:en]Family portraits: two sisters and a brother had same day birthday party![:sr]Porodični portreti: Dve seke i bata slavili su rođendan istog dana.[:][:]
[:en]Miss Stills portrait photo of a nine-month old baby Bisera has been published on the cover of the December issue of “Bebin izbor” magazine on parenting![:sr]Miss Stillss portret-fotografija devetomesečne bebe objavljena je na naslovnoj strani decembarskog broja časopisa o roditeljstvu “Bebin izbor”![:]
[:en]The princess among fairies, with eyes as the Elizabeth Taylor, five year old Petra announced the arrival of a new diva in the future.[:]
[:en]You can visit The Botanical Garden every day of the year, even during holidays. That is why it is ideal for quality family time. Children will enjoy it, and your photos will be phenomenal! Here is why we recommend this location for our photo-excursion. Belgrade’s oasis of peace and freshness, guarded with high fence and hidden from the city life, covers an area of five hectares in Takovska Street 43. The Garden is rich with the most diverse species of plants, […]